Ways to get Global Career Counselling and how it will help you

Not sure what to choose as your career? Do you feel like everyone is "together" and you don't know where to start?

"Young adults no longer have the vision or career path that previous generations had." High requirements for entry-level positions, certification, and experience have become a major barrier for approximately 65% ​​of students who struggle to find work.

What does a career counselor do?

Career counselling sessions are dynamic: they may include personality and skill assessments, a simple meeting, or the use of face-to-face conversations to help you find things. Consultants are responsible for helping you find a suitable career:

Essential work-life balance

  • lifestyle
  • Required salary
  • Interests, skills, and values

Where can I find a career counselor?

Start by asking friends, family, coworkers, or professional acquaintances who may have a helpful connection.

If you are looking for someone who works personally, check out ICS Careers GPS Online Career Counselling.

You can also send them online for free career counseling, they are always there to help you with career guidance.


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