Confused about your career? All you need is career counselling!

Everyone is told from an early age that when he grows up he can become what he wants to be. However, no one gives a clear idea of ​​what they want to be when they grow up. Even if you are confused about your career or job, it may take some effort to figure out what you want to do.

How to choose a career based on what you want?

If you are going to try something in choosing a path, make sure it is what you want. Try to follow these tips to identify the type of work you will enjoy.

1. Consider your hobbies

What do you enjoy doing when you are free? To see if your hobbies can lead you to the career of your dreams, try an exercise to wrap up your mind.

Make a list of your hobbies. Think about everything you do in your free time, including self-care, fun activities, and volunteering for reasons you care about.

Write about what you like about them: For example, do you bake because you like eating fresh cookies, garnishing with icing, or experimenting with recipes?

Focus on what you enjoy in your hobby: Do you like the analytical side of things or the competitive or creative side?

2. Use the Career Resource Center

Universities and colleges typically host a career resource center similar to a library where students can view information about online magazines, books, and any career they can imagine. These career resources show you the skills you need in the field, the jobs you need for the job, and the education or training that will prepare you. Even if you are not a student and are confused about your career, you may be able to access the Career Resource Center at a local community or technical college.

3. Work with a career counsellor

A coach or free career counsellor can help you figure out what your strengths are and what you enjoy and help you connect with a career that makes sense. Communicating with one of these specialists can help you identify careers you may have never considered. Career counsellors will often help you revise your resume, practice conversation, brush up on your interview skills, and take you to the training and skills you need to work in your area of ​​interest.

4. Taking the test

A personality test helps you determine what kind of environment you will work best in based on your strengths, work style and types of tasks, and complementary personalities. You can find many free online tests. Consider using these tests that analyze your strengths and weaknesses rather than recommending a particular career. Some of the most popular personality tests for careers include the Big Five, Meyers-Briggs, MAPP Career Assessment, and Clifton Strength. Therefore, career counsellors can help you interpret personality test results and apply them to your career research.

5. Taking the course

Learning more about a subject can set you on a career path. A guided course is the perfect way to gain a comprehensive knowledge of a subject or industry. You can find free online courses in any subject through platforms like edX, Coursera, Skillshare and Udemy. If you are passionate about a subject, explore careers in those areas through interviews, research, networking, and volunteering to find out what it's like to work in related fields.

Importance of Career Counselling:

While there is nothing wrong with seeking advice from parents, their decisions should not be imposed on children. This is because most parents themselves are confused about the career options available to their children.

Professional and expert advice is obtained from:

When you contact a career counselor, you get expert advice that is well versed in the types of jobs available in the market and the career options available to students. He is a professional who has been in the field of career counselling for many years and has been advising many students. Therefore, whatever advice they give will be informed or well thought out.


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