It’s Okay to be Confused about your Career Choice

Career Choice
 Confusion is a scientific feeling, that is, it is a natural feeling associated with the development of our knowledge and understanding. For example, career confusion motivates individuals to think about their options, explore opportunities, seek clarity, and arrive at a well-thought-out decision.

Speaking of my own journey, the confusion and nervousness of my career started from high school. All my friends were applying to college when I didn't know my next move!

I belong to Kullu - a small town in the green valley of Himachal Pradesh - where most students think 'career options' are only medicine, engineering, teaching or government services.

However, that did not stop me from exploring other career opportunities. I had some choices in mind that I found interesting but I didn't know much about the courses I needed to take or which colleges were best for me.

Due to my lack of knowledge about global career counselling, I started reaching out to professionals working in the field of my choice. My conversations with him helped me gain valuable insights into these areas of work. But it was a difficult way to find out my suitability (or lack thereof) for different careers.

Here is an example. To explore the physiotherapy profession, I met with a physiotherapist. The doctor at first admitted that I had come for 'treatment' and started asking me about 'my problem'. When I told him that I understood more about his profession, he stopped talking. "This is the first time an out-of-town student has spoken to me like this," she said, before sharing with me the ups and downs of her work life, her career path and her challenges. Similarly, I talked to a psychologist and some other professionals.

Work your way towards Clarity

In the end, I decided to pursue a career of my own, but it was a long, winding road. I now realize that if I had known about the benefits of online career counselling, I would have been able to save valuable time.

Today, when I work with students, I tell them that it's normal to be confused about one's career path - at any age… that no one 'understands it all'... and that Illusions can be good. This removes their terror immediately.

All stakeholders in the education system - students, parents, teachers and society - need to realize that young bright minds can lose their spark under the heavy and constant burden of career expectations on themselves and others.

I repeat - there is nothing wrong with confusion. It shows that you are trying to find and understand.

However, I would advise all the youth there to seek professional guidance from professionals and save their time, energy and other resources. When you find yourself struggling to find the best career for you, don't hesitate to ask for help.


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