Career Counseling: The Indian Skills Crisis Needs Time


Career Counselling

The post-epidemic world is slowly trying to regain the flow it once had. In our country where unemployment is very high, the irony is that studies have shown that after the lockout, India will face a labor shortage in the years to come. Not only that, the International Labor Organization has also said that by 2030, India will face a deficit of 29 million which is a potential for huge losses in our economy. The time has come for the world's least populous country to plunge into that abyss of untapped potential. And for that, we demand career counselling.

Career counseling is a process of expertly informed, intelligent and educational guidance that helps students understand and understand themselves and also gives them the options they need to make academic, career and life decisions. Career counselors have been in demand in recent years as parents and students feel the need to make informed decisions about their future.

During school, a student arrives at home with a narrow view, familiarizing himself with a select few of the countless areas of work. Then they are bombarded with options that they either don't think much of or don't think about. This is where career counseling comes in handy. As a pastor who never takes the place of any kind of advice, we have not provided the guidance, a beacon, the guide that our young generation desperately needs.

In the Annual World Happiness Report 2021, India is ranked 139th out of 149 countries. And of the many factors contributing to the current low happiness index, job dissatisfaction can be a major factor. The biggest issue with the Indian population has been that we choose to limit ourselves to the narrow range of opportunities to which we are accustomed.


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