All You Need To Know About Career Counselling

Careers span anywhere between three to four decades, and careers become a big part of a person's life. The reality is that we spend most of our lives on it. Working makes a person's career choices more important because they are well thought out and for all the right reasons. The word carrier is derived from the Latin word "carus", which means chariot. In this section, we will explain the role of career counseling in ensuring that this chariot does not go astray. Why is career counseling necessary? Career counselling helps to explain the obstacles that come with any kind of work. Spending time with a counselor can help you explain your journey so far, any mistakes you have made, and how to correct the course. It also allows you to feel that you can work on strengthening it, so you can add value. There were several tests in career counseling, such as aptitude tests, career, interest tests, and psychometric tests. In-person counseling sessions are held after th...